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See also: ܣܗܪܐ

Assyrian Neo-Aramaic

ܣ ܗ ܕ (s h d)
3 terms



Active participle of ܣܵܗܹܕ (sāhēd, to witness, to testify); cognate to Arabic شَاهِد (šāhid). The second meaning is a Calque of Ancient Greek μᾰ́ρτῠς (mártus).


  • (Standard) IPA(key): [sɑːhədɑː]



ܣܵܗܕܵܐ (sāhdām sg (plural ܣܵܗܕܹ̈ܐ (sāhdē), feminine ܣܵܗܸܕܬܵܐ (sāhidtā))

  1. witness
    • Acts 1:8:
      ܐܝܼܢܵܐ ܒܸܬ ܩܲܒܠܝܼܬܘܿܢ ܚܲܝܠܵܐ ܐܝܼܡܲܢ ܕܐܵܬܹܐ ܪܘܼܚܵܐ ܕܩܘܼܕܫܵܐ ܥܲܠܵܘܟ݂ܘܿܢ، ܘܒܸܬ ܗܵܘܹܝܬܘܿܢ ܣܵܗܕܹ̈ܐ ܐܸܠܝܼ، ܓܵܘ ܐܘܿܪܸܫܠܸܡ، ܓܵܘ ܟܠܵܗ̇ ܝܼܗܘܼܕ، ܓܵܘ ܫܵܡܪܝܼܢ، ܘܗܲܠ ܡܲܪ̈ܙܵܢܹܐ ܕܐܲܪܥܵܐ.
      īnā bit qablītōn ḥaylā īman d-ātē rūḥā d-qudšā ˁallāwḵōn, w-bit hāwētōn sāhdē ilī, gāw ōrišlim, gāw kullāh īhūd, gāw šāmrīn, w-hal marzānē d-arˁā.
      But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
  2. martyr



Derived terms


Proper noun


ܣܵܗܕܵܐ (sāhdām

  1. a male given name
  2. a surname transferred from the given name

Classical Syriac




From the root ܣ-ܗ-ܕ (s-h-d) related to testifying. Compare Arabic شَاهِد (šāhid).


  • IPA(key): [sɑh(ə)ðɑ(ʔ)] (singular)
  • IPA(key): [sɑh(ə)ðe(ʔ)] (plural)



ܣܗܕܐ (transliteration neededm (plural ܣܗܕܐ, singular feminine counterpart ܣܗܕܬܐ)

  1. witness
  2. martyr




  • shd”, in The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1986–
  • Costaz, Louis (2002) Dictionnaire syriaque-français ∙ Syriac–English Dictionary ∙ قاموس سرياني-عربي, 3rd edition, Beirut: Dar El-Machreq, p. 221b
  • Payne Smith, Jessie (1903) A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded Upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, D.D., Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 362b
  • Sokoloff, Michael (2009) A Syriac Lexicon: A Translation from the Latin, Correction, Expansion, and Update of C. Brockelmann's Lexicon Syriacum, Winona Lake, Indiana, Piscataway, New Jersey: Eisenbrauns; Gorgias Press, p. 973b