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🛒 U+1F6D2, 🛒
Transport and Map Symbols 🛓





A shopping cart.




  1. Shopping; consumerism.
  2. A shopping centre or shop.
    • 2021 November 22, “🛒 Amazon vs. Walmart”, in The Hustle[2] (in English), archived from the original on 3 September 2023:
      [See title.]
    • 2022 January 19, Oliver Dunskus, 88 Temples in 55 Days: A Supplement to the 88 Temples of Shikoku (in English), Books on Demand, →ISBN, page 77:
      Hoseiji, hut 🛒
    • 2024 September 5, OpenStreetMap (in English):
      [This social mapping website uses a purple 🛒 to indicate a supermarket.]
  3. (graphical user interface, Internet) A shopping cart or basket.

Usage notes


Further reading
