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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




отъ- (otŭ-) +‎ врѣщи (vrěšti), from Proto-Slavic *verťi.



отъврѣщи (otŭvrěštipf

  1. to throw away
    • Excerpt from the Story of Boris and Gleb, line 15:
      Съ Гєоргꙇя же не могуще съняти гривьны и отсѣкъше главу, отъвьргоша и кромѣ.
      Sŭ Georgija že ne mogušte sŭnjati grivĭny i otsěkŭše glavu, otŭvĭrgoša i kromě.
      Unable to remove the necklace from George and having cut off his head, they cast him aside.
  2. to reject, renounce
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 2119-2123:
      тѣмьже чловѣче и въ манастꙑрь идеши и въ поустꙑнѭ прибѣгнеши съ похотьми тѣми а не отъврьжеши ихъ отъ себе без оума и въсоуѥ мѧтеши сѧ
      těmĭže člověče i vŭ manastyrĭ ideši i vŭ pustynjǫ priběgneši sŭ poxotĭmi těmi a ne otŭvrĭžeši ixŭ otŭ sebe bez uma i vŭsuje męteši sę
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  3. to farewell
    • ⱁⱅⱏⰲⱃⱑⱎⱅⰻ ⰿⰻ ⱄⱔ (leaf 168.5, line -3)”, in Codex Zographensis [Глаг. 1]‎[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), National Library of Russia, 1000±33, page Lk:9:61:
      Рече же и҅ дроугꙑ · и҅дѫ по тебѣ г꙯и · древл҄е же повели отъврѣщи ми сѧ · и҅же сѫтъ въ домоу моемь ·
      Reče že i҅ drugy · i҅dǫ po tebě g:i · drevlʹe že poveli otŭvrěšti mi sę · i҅že sǫtŭ vŭ domu moemĭ ·
      And another also said, “Lord, I will follow Thee, but let me first go bid those farewell who are at home at my house.”




  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[2], София