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Alternative forms




From ო- (o-) +‎ წკ- (ǯǩ-) +‎ -ენ (-en). Inherited from Proto-Georgian-Zan *uc̣q̇- (to know). Cognate with Georgian უწყება (uc̣q̇eba).



ოწკენ (oǯǩen) (Latin spelling oǯǩen) (VitseArkabi, KhopaBatumi, Chkhala)

  1. to face, to look, to see, to look at, to watch
    Synonym: ნოწენ (noǯen)
    ავლისქანიშ ჲანის გოლაფთი ღომა / ჲალის ოწკერტი დო იცხონტი ნთომა
    avliskaniş yanis golapti ğoma / yalis oǯǩerťi do iʒxonťi ntoma
    I was passing by the garden in front of your house yesterday / You were looking in the mirror and combing your hair
  2. to take care of something, to put effort into something to make it flourish or to keep it in good condition
    ჯუმადიჩქიმიქ ნთხიჲონაფეზ დიდო კაჲი ოწკენ. ედო ჰეჲაშენი კატა წანაზ ნთხიჲონაფე ნთხირითე დოლაფშენ.
    cumadiçkimik ntxiyonapez dido ǩayi oǯǩen. edo heyaşeni ǩaťa ǯanaz ntxiyonape ntxirite dolapşen.
    My uncle takes very good care of the hazelnut groves and every year his hazelnut groves are full of hazelnuts.
  3. to take care of someone, to feed someone, to provide for someone
    ნისა ყონაშა იდუში ბერეს ნანდიდიმუშიქ ოწკენ
    nisa qonaşa iduşi beres nandidimuşik oǯǩen
    Grandmother takes care of the child when the bride goes to the field
  4. to look after, to take care of a job
    ჭე! სი ჰემუზ მოთოწკერ. ჰემუქ ჩქარ ვარიგურამს. ჰექ ჰაქ ელასვენგელასვენ დო გულუნ.
    ç̌e! si hemuz motoǯǩer. hemuk çkar varigurams. hek hak elasvengelasven do gulun.
    Oh, man! Don't care about him. He doesn't take care of himself.
  5. (Sumla) to taste the food
    Synonyms: იკონამს (iǩonams), ჯიცადაჲ (ciʒaday), ცადუჲ (ʒaduy), ნოცადამს (noʒadams), გოწკენ (goǯǩen)

Usage notes

  • This verb has 3 root depending on mood and aspect.
  • Perfective stem of indicative mood; წერ- (ǯer-) (Atina), წედ- (ǯed-) (Artasheni) and წკედ- (ǯǩed-) (Vitse-Arkabi,Khopa-Batumi,Chkhala)
  • Imperfective stem of indicative mood; წერ- (ǯer-) (Atina,Vizha,Artasheni) and წკერ- (ǯǩer-) (Vitse-Arkabi,Khopa-Batumi,Chkhala)
  • Stem of potential and experiential moods; წელიმ-/ წოლიმ- (ǯelim-/ ǯolim-) (Atina), წომილ- (ǯomil-) (Artasheni) and წკომილ- (ǯǩomil-) (Vitse-Arkabi,Khopa-Batumi,Chkhala)
  • In Atina, there is only one form of stem in indicative mood.
  • Verbal noun; ოწკომილუ (oǯǩomilu), წკომილუა (ǯǩomilua)

Further reading

  • Kojima, Gôichi (2012–) “o3’k’en/ o3’k’ers (FN ~ HP), o3’k’en (AK)(ÇX)”, in Temel Lazca-Türkçe Sözlük Taslağı[1] (in Turkish)
  • Tandilava, Ali (2013) “ოწკომილუ”, in Merab Čuxua, Natela Kutelia, Lile Tandilava, Lali Ezugbaia, editors, Lazuri leksiḳoni [Laz Dictionary]‎[2], online version prepared by Levan Vašaḳiʒe, Tbilisi