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istua +‎ -ttaa


  • IPA(key): /ˈistutːɑːˣ/, [ˈis̠tut̪ːɑ̝ː(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -istutːɑː
  • Syllabification(key): is‧tut‧taa



  1. (transitive) to plant (place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
  2. (transitive) to introduce an animal to an area outside its native region


Inflection of istuttaa (Kotus type 53*C/muistaa, tt-t gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. istutan en istuta 1st sing. olen istuttanut en ole istuttanut
2nd sing. istutat et istuta 2nd sing. olet istuttanut et ole istuttanut
3rd sing. istuttaa ei istuta 3rd sing. on istuttanut ei ole istuttanut
1st plur. istutamme emme istuta 1st plur. olemme istuttaneet emme ole istuttaneet
2nd plur. istutatte ette istuta 2nd plur. olette istuttaneet ette ole istuttaneet
3rd plur. istuttavat eivät istuta 3rd plur. ovat istuttaneet eivät ole istuttaneet
passive istutetaan ei istuteta passive on istutettu ei ole istutettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. istutin en istuttanut 1st sing. olin istuttanut en ollut istuttanut
2nd sing. istutit et istuttanut 2nd sing. olit istuttanut et ollut istuttanut
3rd sing. istutti ei istuttanut 3rd sing. oli istuttanut ei ollut istuttanut
1st plur. istutimme emme istuttaneet 1st plur. olimme istuttaneet emme olleet istuttaneet
2nd plur. istutitte ette istuttaneet 2nd plur. olitte istuttaneet ette olleet istuttaneet
3rd plur. istuttivat eivät istuttaneet 3rd plur. olivat istuttaneet eivät olleet istuttaneet
passive istutettiin ei istutettu passive oli istutettu ei ollut istutettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. istuttaisin en istuttaisi 1st sing. olisin istuttanut en olisi istuttanut
2nd sing. istuttaisit et istuttaisi 2nd sing. olisit istuttanut et olisi istuttanut
3rd sing. istuttaisi ei istuttaisi 3rd sing. olisi istuttanut ei olisi istuttanut
1st plur. istuttaisimme emme istuttaisi 1st plur. olisimme istuttaneet emme olisi istuttaneet
2nd plur. istuttaisitte ette istuttaisi 2nd plur. olisitte istuttaneet ette olisi istuttaneet
3rd plur. istuttaisivat eivät istuttaisi 3rd plur. olisivat istuttaneet eivät olisi istuttaneet
passive istutettaisiin ei istutettaisi passive olisi istutettu ei olisi istutettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. istuta älä istuta 2nd sing.
3rd sing. istuttakoon älköön istuttako 3rd sing. olkoon istuttanut älköön olko istuttanut
1st plur. istuttakaamme älkäämme istuttako 1st plur.
2nd plur. istuttakaa älkää istuttako 2nd plur.
3rd plur. istuttakoot älkööt istuttako 3rd plur. olkoot istuttaneet älkööt olko istuttaneet
passive istutettakoon älköön istutettako passive olkoon istutettu älköön olko istutettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. istuttanen en istuttane 1st sing. lienen istuttanut en liene istuttanut
2nd sing. istuttanet et istuttane 2nd sing. lienet istuttanut et liene istuttanut
3rd sing. istuttanee ei istuttane 3rd sing. lienee istuttanut ei liene istuttanut
1st plur. istuttanemme emme istuttane 1st plur. lienemme istuttaneet emme liene istuttaneet
2nd plur. istuttanette ette istuttane 2nd plur. lienette istuttaneet ette liene istuttaneet
3rd plur. istuttanevat eivät istuttane 3rd plur. lienevät istuttaneet eivät liene istuttaneet
passive istutettaneen ei istutettane passive lienee istutettu ei liene istutettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st istuttaa present istuttava istutettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st istuttaakseni istuttaaksemme
2nd istuttaaksesi istuttaaksenne
3rd istuttaakseen
past istuttanut istutettu
2nd inessive2 istuttaessa istutettaessa agent4 istuttama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st istuttaessani istuttaessamme
2nd istuttaessasi istuttaessanne
3rd istuttaessaan
negative istuttamaton
instructive istuttaen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
* The third-person singular indicative form istuttaa does not exhibit final gemination,
unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically.

3rd inessive istuttamassa
elative istuttamasta
illative istuttamaan
adessive istuttamalla
abessive istuttamatta
instructive istuttaman istutettaman
4th3 verbal noun istuttaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st istuttamaisillani istuttamaisillamme
2nd istuttamaisillasi istuttamaisillanne
3rd istuttamaisillaan
