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Anders +‎ -mance

Proper noun


Andersmance (plural Andersmances)

  1. (Dragon Age fandom slang) The Anders romance subplot in the video game Dragon Age II.
    • 2015 May 31, FusRoDoodles, Reddit[1]:
      I love the Andersmance and Isabelamance because both of them change the story in their own ways.
    • 2020 April 5, Toshi_Nama, Reddit[2]:
      My Andersmance is a playthrough that has very dear meaning to me, but Anders throws off so many red flags, he might as well be a matador.
    • 2021 December 1, cappyfish, Reddit[3]:
      My Andersmance was taken at a more leisurely pace, so I really got into the depth and grief over his character and his romance.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Andersmance.