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GP-land (uncountable)

  1. (medicine, informal) The world of general practice.
    • 2008, Emma Hill, So you want to be a medical mum?, OUP Oxford, →ISBN, page 196:
      In GP-land people understand that you're a woman, you're going to want to have babies, it's more accepted.
    • 2010, David Church, “GP training ‘schemes’”, in British Journal of General Practice, 60 (575): 451-452:
      It may be possible to satisfy the requirements of the nMRCGP/JCPTGP exam by demonstrating only 2 years in hospital posts, plus 1 year in GP-land, plus passing the exam, BUT many trainees in practice recognise that this is a basic core requirement, not a maximum requirement, and indeed, so do many potential GP-employers.
    • 2016, Ray Land, Jan H. F. Meyer, Michael T. Flanagan, Threshold Concepts in Practice, Springer, →ISBN, page 229:
      Because going from, in GP-land, having 15 minute blocks and a room full of patients... I didn't realise how much over the last years I'd learnt all these techniques to block everyone... to find what they needed and get them out in 15 minutes.
    • 2016, Bridget Johnston, Carolyn Coole, Melanie Jay Narayanasamy, “An end-of-life care nurse service for people with COPD and heart failure: stakeholders' experiences”, in International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 22 (11): 549-559:
      And also I think that, you know, if GPs can't get hold of you or they feel like you leave at midday, which 4.30pm in GP-land is midday, they're not going to call again because you're not helpful.