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Blend of Republican +‎ repugnant.



Repugnican (plural Repugnicans)

  1. (US politics, slang, derogatory) A member or supporter of the Republican Party of the United States.
    Synonyms: Repooplican, Republicant, Republicunt, Retardican, Rethuglican
    • 2001 April 21, Dennis P. Harris, “Re: Choices”, in alt.culture.alaska[1] (Usenet):
      The Repugnicans do everything they can to discriminate against minorities while calling it "choice", and then accuse Democrats of "divisiveness".
    • 2002 July 31, Gary Ott, “Re: It's the Economy, Stupid”, in[2] (Usenet):
      If you wish to maintain that the Clinton-era economy was a "bubble economy" you must concede that the simile implies that the "bubble" burst. That's a discrete event. An event Repugnicans did nothing to forestall.
    • 2005 September 29, The Trucker, “Re: China's growth is not due to trade”, in sci.econ[3] (Usenet):
      So it is quite fair and reasonable to say that wage earners are getting the shaft when compared to those who OWN stuff and receive UNEARNED income (mostly economic rent). Unless and until the Repugnicans can figure out a way to share the wealth more equitably they are simply a bunch of lying pigs who use cherry picked "data" to illustrate distortions.