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Viable (adjective) has three explicit or implicit meanings. The first two are related to living organisms -

  • 1. to be viable is to be capable of independent life, as in living outside the mother's womb (viable fetus).[1]
  • 2. also to be viable is having the capacity to grow or develop (viable seeds or viable eggs).[1]
  • 3 The third meaning may be used in a different context, but can also be related to living organisms. It can be a concept (example: possible choices available), related to a place (example: plausible and acceptable residence), or related to an object (example: an engineered material).[1] Therefore viable also means the following:
(a) capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately ( a complex artificial material)
(b) an entity which is capable of existence along with growth and development, as an independent unit. (viable community within a town)
(c) 1. having a reasonable chance of succeeding (a viable candidate) 2. financially sustainable (a viable enterprise)[1]

Viability (noun) means in general "capacity for survival" and is more specifically used to mean a capacity for living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions. The word is specially used in the following contexts:

