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From a- +‎ lodgement.



allodgement (countable and uncountable, plural allodgements)

  1. (obsolete, countable) A place where a soldier is assigned to lodge; billet.
    • 1622, Five Decades of Epistles of Warre, page 144:
      The Serieant Maior of a Regiment vpon all encampments or allodgements of the Armie is to attend the Serieant-Maier of the Field, & when the Campe is deuided out into Regiments, he with his Quarter-Master shall take the Regiment belonging to his colonell according to his Colonels antiquitie or greatnes of place, and first shall demonstrate to the Quarter-Master which way to contriue and cast his maine streets accoding to the greatnes or littlenes of the ground and the best conuenience for passing in and out;
    • 1657, Military Discipline, or the Young artillery-man, page 171:
      Which being done, the Captain, Lievtenant, Ensigne, and Drammes beating a troop at the head of the Pikes, passe through this guard into the appointed place for the allodgement of the Ensigne.
    • 1700, The History of the Turks, Beginning with the Year 1679, pages 201- 202:
      Next hereunto the main Body of the Horse was lodged, being as it were in the middle, and in the most commodious place to oppose the Sallie of the Enemies Cavalry; on the other side of which Prince Lewis of Baden had made his Allodgement.
    • 2002, Kathryn Siu-Sau Koo, Among Savages and Strangers:
      ...nay and which is yet more, that we should be carried in our March among a treacherous and perfidious People, yea in our allodgement so near the Enemy, all Night in so populous a Country, and not the least Notice of us; seemeth somewhat strange, and more than ordinary: ...
  2. (uncountable) The state or condition of being lodged.
    • 1860, New York (State). Legislature. Assembly, Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York, page 690:
      Competition in this, as in every department of human industry, has secured the allodgement of 200 models of different machines for the same purpose, in our Patent Oflice—each inventor claiming to have excelled his competitors in the production of the best article.
    • 1883, George Trumbull Ladd, The Doctrine of Sacred Scripture, page 378:
      They have set the πνευμα off from the νους, and shown how conscience could be partitioned so as to admit of the allodgement in it of what was strictly human and yet purely divine.
    • 1986, Redia - Volumes 69-70, page 160:
      The pedipalp trochanter has a prominent process on its inferior surface, separated by a large area not haired nor spinulated: it serves for the allodgement of the ventral spine of the pedipalp basitarsus when the tibia closes to the femur;