ayy lmao

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Associated with image macros of aliens, the first attested around early 2013, the phrase sharing the first syllable /ˈeɪ.l/ with alien.



ayy lmao (plural ayy lmaos)

  1. (Internet slang, humorous) An alien.
    • 2014 August 28, anonymous author, “ITT: Your Favorite Computer Brand”, in 4chan[1], /g/:
      I've never actually used Alienware, and I don't actually care about people's favorite brands, I just want to start an ayy lmao thread.
    • 2016 December 7, anonymous author, 4chan[2], /k/:
      Would it be possible to win against an ayy lmao invasion?
    • 2023 December 17, /u/mrbucket08, “Is there a way to know if an Alien Ruler is in the area? I’ve killed the Archon King, now I need to finish off the Viper King and Berserker Queen”, in Reddit[3], /r/Xcom:
      The number of ayy lmaos on the shadow chamber seems too small for the mission



ayy lmao

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ayy,‎ LMAO.

Further reading
