bedroom deal

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From bedroom +‎ deal.



bedroom deal (plural bedroom deals)

  1. (slang, uncommon) Any business transaction conducted while in the bedroom, particularly during sexual intimacy.
    • 1944 September 30, George Daly, “Our Fanny”, in Billboard, volume 56, number 40:
      Susan, eager to mend match, makes bedroom deal with Howard Stickney, slick owner of Whizaway, to have super-horse beat Fanny, thus break spell, and leave her free to marry ex.
    • 1955, Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, page 171:
      It may be that there will be a certain amount of bedroom deals between individuals. The Yemen or Saudi Arabia may decide in a bedroom to swop a little gum arabic for copra from the Philippines, but I do not see that taking any very extensive or massive form.
    • 1981, Fairplay International Shipping Weekly - Volume 279, page 3:
      Mercifully it seems that the steam is finally going out of the commercial conference carnival with tired executives now realising that they are not going to miss out on some new insight, or pass up a chance to conclude a trans-hemispherical bedroom deal, by staying home rather than traipsing from one convention centre to another.
    • 2008, Riki Ott, Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, page 63:
      There were bar deals, bedroom deals, vote-trading deals, fast talk, double-talk, and lots of downright lies, which, when spoken from the lips of high-salaried oil lobbyists, were taken as gospel until proven otherwise.
    • 2010, Bradford Koplowitz, Our Brave New World Compilation, page 79:
      Today, on "Face the Nation," a Presidential historian wondered why the American people have not shown more concern about this most secret administration which cuts bedroom deals with multinational corporations like the oil companies, big Pharma, and other giants like Bechtel, at the expense of small businesses and the working man.
    • 2016, Chris Eakin, A Race Too Far, page 39:
      He moans about the fees but in fact the bedroom deals mean he probably saves the fees several times over every year whilst staying in London.
    • 2018, Lexy Timms, Modesty:
      She hadn't liked the bedroom deals. The under the table stuff. She'd either work aboveboard, or not at all.
    • 2023, Cathryn Fox, Scotia Storms Book 1- 3 (Rebels):
      "My hands are sticky. I don't want to get you dirty, so our bedroom deal will have to just be an oral arrangement".
  2. (slang) A deal for obtaining sexual favors.
    • 2020, Michelle Love, Billionaire Games:
      I'm quite adept at closing bedroom deals within the space of one night, Phoenix .
    • 2022, Chala Tumelo, Suicide Note, page 218:
      Come on. I know what the makings of a business deal look like. I also know what the makings of a bedroom deal look like!
    • 2023, Jayme Lynn Blaschke, Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch, page 98:
      That bargain-basement bedroom deal secured the customer the services of a Chicken Ranch prostitute lasting the duration of a Four-Get: Get up, get on, get off, get out.