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From bull +‎ scheisse.




  1. Euphemistic form of bullshit.
    • 2002 November 7, Axel Van Kampen, “"I taught my kids responsible gun use, blah, blah, blah"”, in talk.politics.guns[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      > Repeat after me, "Kent does NOT lie. He has no reason to lie. He tells the truth, even when it hurts."

      Ken DOES lie when he is losing an argument.
    • 2004 January 15, Nick Soapdish Jr, “Jimmy Carter: 'Compassion for Mordor'”, in alt.fan.tolkien[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      >Moron, I've already presented plenty of facts (dates, circumstances, affiliations, etc.). You and the other worm have shown nothing to refute them.

      In this thread? Bullscheisse.
    • 2011 April 21, StevenP, “Boycott PPM! (maybe)”, in rec.games.pinball[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      "Bring the material before a larger and more diverse group"??? Bullscheisse!!! How does taking information OFF of a public website and REQUIRING a donation to get a CD MAILED to you improve dissemination of the info???



bullscheisse (uncountable)

  1. Euphemistic form of bullshit.
    • 1998 October 5, .Nisaba Merrieweather, “[I] The XXXXian Election”, in alt.fan.pratchett[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      "Non-core promise": total bullscheisse that no one expects you to fulfill at any time.
    • 1999 August 27, Sylvie Charbonneau, “Edred Thorsson posting here?”, in alt.religion.asatru[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      If anyone on this newsgroup can be accused of harbouring new age/wiccan bullscheisse, it's you. You have changed "magickal" names about 6 times in recent memory, you go on about trying to meld the 12 symbols of the Zodiac with the runes, and feel disconnected from the Gods if you take off your ritual jewelry to take a shower.
    • 2002 November 9, Axel Van Kampen, “Somebody stop us - If you can!”, in alt.nuke.the.usa[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-05:
      What does paygrade have to do with it? I'm just asking for proof, for you to backup[sic] your statement. After all, statement without back up is nothing more than bullscheisse.