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A catloaf.



From cat +‎ loaf.





catloaf (plural catloaves)

  1. (slang) The loaflike form of a domestic cat in which it sits with its paws and tail tucked underneath its body.
    • 1999 December 3, Ailsa N Murphy, “Re: RIP, Silver-The-Cat”, in rec.arts.sf.fandom[1] (Usenet), archived from the original on 12 July 2024:
      And Gary never got to see him do the full catloaf, where he curled up face-down so that all that stuck out were the tips of his ears. I never got a picture of that, either.
    • 2004 January 9, Franz Bestuchev, “Re: catloaf”, in[2] (Usenet), archived from the original on 12 July 2024:
      One must often attend to the tail and ensure it remains tucked and not become flippant, so as to maintain a catloaf of presentable form.
    • 2009, Brigitte Eilert-Overbeck, Cats, →ISBN, page 47:
      "Catloaf" position with paws and tail tucked under the body: "Please do not disturb!"
    • 2015 July 15, Lou Lou P., quotee, “Behold the Catloaf, Your Adorable Edible Friend”, in ABC News[3], archived from the original on 18 March 2023:
      I love the ‘catloaf’ expression, so one evening I just had to see if I could bake it for real. Thus catloaf [a loaf shaped like a catloaf] was born, simple as that.

Derived terms




Further reading
