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Blend of COVID +‎ nazi, by analogy with feminazi.


  • IPA(key): (Spain) /kobiˈnaθi/ [ko.β̞iˈna.θi]
  • IPA(key): (Latin America, Philippines) /kobiˈnasi/ [ko.β̞iˈ]
  • Rhymes: -aθi
  • Rhymes: -asi
  • Syllabification: co‧vi‧na‧zi



covinazi m or f (masculine and feminine plural covinazis)

  1. (derogatory, offensive, Spain) relating to the radical and liberticide measures against the coronavirus, such as the green pass
    • 2022 January 22, Julio Arrieta, “15.000 mil personas se manifiestan en Bilbao contra el pasaporte covid”, in El Diario Vasco[1]:
      Los manifestantes, durante el recorrido, han portado pancartas en las que se leían mensajes como «Pasaporte ilegal», «Urkullu, nosotros también votamos», «No al pasaporte covinazi» o «apaga la tele y enciende tu mente» y han gritado lemas como «Askatasuna Osasuna».
      The demonstrators, during the march, have carried banners that had messages such as "Illegal passport", "Urkullu, we also vote", "No to the covinazi passport" or "turn off the TV and turn on your mind" and have shouted slogans such as "Askatasuna Osasuna".



covinazi m or f by sense (plural covinazis)

  1. (derogatory, offensive, Spain) a person or politician in favor of the radical and liberticide measures against the coronavirus, such as the green pass
    • 2020 September 16, Francisco Rodríguez Criado, “Covinazis y conspiranoicos”, in El Periódico de Extremadura[2]:
      Por un lado, tenemos a los “covinazis” y, por otro, a los negacionistas.
      On the one hand, we have the "covinazis" and, on the other, the deniers.