debate bro

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Ian Kochinski, also known as Vaush, a left-wing political YouTuber who rose to prominence as a (described and self-proclaimed) debate bro (sense 1).



debate bro (plural debate bros)

  1. (usually derogatory, Internet slang) A male streamer who often engages in heated public political debates.
    • 2022 December 5, Shark3ozero, quoting Shark3ozero, 0:20 from the start, in The Most Racist Anime AI Generator EVER[1]:
      So, the other day, I was just chilling, vibing, minding by own business online, and I got a little notification on my bird app account, and I took a look. It was from a follower and it was like 'AI generated debate bros', okay?

Usage notes

  • While usage of the term as a derogative is more common among people not in this community, it is still very common to refer to people such as this as debate bros non-derogatorily, and many among the debate bro community use the title to distinguish their community from other (especially left-wing) communities.

