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Old Tupi




From emirekó (wife) +‎ eté (true, legitimate, authentic, genuine), literally legitimate wife, true wife.


  • IPA(key): [ɛ̃.mi.ɾɛ.kɔ.ɛ.ˈtɛ]
  • Rhymes:
  • Hyphenation: e‧mi‧re‧kó‧e‧té



emirekoeté (IIa class pluriform, absolute temirekoeté, R1 remirekoeté, R2 semirekoeté) (possessable)

  1. (Late Tupi) legitimate wife, with whom someone got married in the church
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, chapter V, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Setimo da ordem de baptizar, [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 134:
      Clara, y xè Gonçalo orogoàr xeremirecò etéramo Sancta Madre Igreja de Roma tecômonhangába rupi.
      [Clara, ixé Gonçalo orogûar xe remirekoetéramo Santa Madre Igreja de Roma tekomonhangaba rupi.]
      Clara, I Gonçalo take you as my legitimate wife, according to the regulations of the Holy Mother Church of Rome.
  2. the most esteemed or beloved woman, often the last one taken

Further reading
