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Alteration of earlier friendlihead, equivalent to friendly +‎ -hood. Cognate with Dutch vriendlijkheid, Old Danish fryntlighet.



friendlihood (uncountable)

  1. The state, quality, or condition of being friendly; friendliness.
    • 2006, Margaret Frazer, A Play of Knaves:
      “He ran for help as soon as he saw what he'd done. No one thought there was intent about it. Hasn't made for friendlihood between the Ashewells and Medcotes, though.”
  2. Friendship.
    • 2011, Helen Castor, Blood and Roses:
      [...] 'and also that he will not hurt you in your bargain if you could be friendlily disposed toward him as you have been; for without a friendlihood of your part he seems he should not greatly help you in your bargain, so I feel him. He lives somewhat aloof, and not utterly malicious against you.'