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From fruit +‎ -sicle.



fruitsicle (plural fruitsicles)

  1. A frozen dessert made from, or sweetened with, fruit or fruit juice
    • 2011, Janisse Ray, Drifting Into Darien:
      Back at the river we sit around and eat our fruitsicles.
    • 2012, Bonnie Rough, Carrier:
      Dan and I loved to sit on our little backyard deck after sundown. We caught fruitsicle drips with our tongues and nudged away mosquitoes as we watched the show: a coliseum of fireflies blinking green, blue, and orange.
    • 2012, Effen Cooper, From the Shadows of Guazapa:
      She got up, purchased a strawberry fruitsicle, returned to her bench, and ate it.