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Shitgibbon compound of fuck +‎ mitten.



fuckmitten (plural fuckmittens)

  1. (slang, vulgar) A term of abuse.
    • 2001 September 6, Jack Cake, “FAO Mackem”, in alt.games.champ-man[1] (Usenet):
      In closing, you're a lazy fuckmitten.
    • 2004 November 29, Lief, “Observed cheats in CS:Source so far.”, in alt.games.half-life.counterstrike[2] (Usenet):
      Adminning several CS servers also makes it very easy to spot cheaters (this wallhacker was a fuckmitten, not even trying to hide it).
    • 2008 July 9, huey.c...@gmail.com, “12,000 lost laptops”, in alt.fan.cecil-adams[3] (Usenet):
      Howzabout tellin the TSA goon in charge of lookin' at shit on the ass-end of the conveyor to say something helpful like "DUDE, YOU FORGOT YOUR SHIT"? Or would that be too difficult for the TSA agents, given that all of the people in airports are apparently witless fuckmittens?

See also
