movie jail

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movie jail (uncountable)

  1. (film, informal) A state of derailment of a career or limited opportunities to which a film industry professional is seemingly relegated, usually as a result of making an unsuccessful film.
    • 2010, Alison Macor, Chainsaws, Slackers, and Spy Kids: Thirty Years of Filmmaking in Austin, Texas., University of Texas Press:
      "They have this term in Hollywood, movie jail. When a director does this horrible movie that fails, he's in movie jail, where they're not letting him make another movie again."
    • 2016, June 10, "10 Actors Who Got Sent to Movie Jail", Screenrant.
    • 2019, April 15, Gabe Worgaftik, AV Club.
      "Movie jail is real. He's been there. He was excommunicated at Fox for a decade after turning down Speed 2 to go play Hamlet onstage in fucking Winnipeg."