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nothomorph (plural nothomorphs)

  1. (archaic, taxonomy) A subordinate rank within a nothospecies.
    • 1956, Regnum Vegetabile, volume 8, page 31:
      A nothomorph is any taxon of hybrid origin, whether F1, segregate, or backcross.
    • 1962, Canadian Journal of Botany, page 885:
      Since F. cuneifolia is supposed to be of the same hybrid origin as F. xananassa, it has to be put under that name as a nothomorph.
    • 2008, D. Gledhill, The Names of Plants, page 23:
      They may be named under the Botanical Code (prior to 1982 they would have been referred to as nothomorphs or bastard forms) and also under the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants as 'cultivars' []