quadratic equation

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quadratic equation (plural quadratic equations)

  1. (algebra) A polynomial equation of the second degree; an equation that can be rearranged in standard form as , where is an unknown value, and , , and are known numbers, where does not equal zero.
    Coordinate terms: linear equation, cubic equation
    • 2015 September 8, Katie Everson, “Why I've written a book for teenagers about taking drugs”, in The Guardian[1]:
      When I was seven years old at a new school, I cried all day, every day. When I was 14 years old, I cried in maths lessons. An improvement, I guess. It wasn’t that I was bad at maths; I knew my way around a quadratic equation, let me tell you.
    • 2018 November 25, Kevin McKenna, “Remote island pub for sale ... just don’t expect a quiet life”, in The Guardian[2]:
      The arid argot of the estate agent’s schedule becomes obsolete when the task is to sell a pub-restaurant at the edge of a Highland wilderness. It’s like trying to describe the glory of the Lake District with a quadratic equation.
    • 2020 February 5, Kenneth Chang, Jonathan Corum, “This Professor’s ‘Amazing’ Trick Makes Quadratic Equations Easier”, in The New York Times[3]:
      The quadratic equation has frustrated math students for millenniums. [] If, while watching the Super Bowl, you had wanted to estimate how far a pass thrown by Patrick Mahomes traveled through the air, you would have been solving a quadratic equation.
    • 2024 April 8, Lydia Wang, Morgan Sullivan, Rachel Varina, “24 Best Hinge Prompts to Actually Help Your Matches Get to Know You”, in Cosmopolitan[4]:
      If there’s one skill we absolutely should have been taught in school, it's how to craft the perfect dating app profile. I mean, if I can still remember the quadratic equation, surely I should have been schooled in the art of snagging a date. But alas, our education system seems to think finding our soulmates isn't as essential as algebra.



Further reading
