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From Latin testāceus.





testaceous (comparative more testaceous, superlative most testaceous)

  1. (obsolete) Pertaining to earthenware or baked clay.
    • 1658, Thomas Browne, “(please specify the page)”, in Hydriotaphia, Urne-buriall, [] Together with The Garden of Cyrus, [], London: [] Hen[ry] Brome [], →OCLC:
      [T]hey were burnt, or only baked in Oven or Sunne: According to the ancient way, in many bricks, tiles, pots, and testaceous works []
  2. Having a shell, especially one which is not articulated.
    • 1665, R[obert] Hooke, Micrographia: Or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses. [], London: [] Jo[hn] Martyn, and Ja[mes] Allestry, printers to the Royal Society, [], →OCLC:
      It has a very large head, in proportion to its body, all covered with a shell, like other testaceous Animals []
    • 1740, John Dyer, “The Ruins of Rome. A Poem.”, in Poems. [...] Viz. I. Grongar Hill. II. The Ruins of Rome. III. The Fleece, in Four Books, London: Printed by John Hughs, for Messrs. R[obert] and J[ames] Dodsley, [], published 1759, →OCLC, pages 42–43:
      Tyrian garbs, / Neptunian Albion's high teſtaceous food [i.e., oysters], / And flavour'd Chian wines with incenſe fum'd / To ſlake Patrician thirſt: for theſe, their rights / In the vile ſtreets they proſtitute to ſale; / Their ancient rights, their dignities, their laws, / Their native glorious freedom.
    • 1756, Patrick Browne, “Of Insects”, in The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. [], London: [] T[homas] Osborne, and J. Shipton, [], →OCLC, part II, book III, class I, section II, order IV, page 395:
      The Ship-VVorm of Jamaica. This inſect is extremely deſtructive to all the ſhips that anchor for any time in the harbours of Jamaica, or in any other part vvithin the tropics: They cut vvith great facility through the planks, and burrovv a conſiderable vvay in the ſubſtance of them, incruſtating the ſides of all their holes vvith a ſmooth teſtaceous ſubſtance [].
  3. Of a dull orange or brownish colour, like brick.