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From turd +‎ hat.



turdhat (plural turdhats)

  1. Term of abuse.
    • 2011, Dan Jenkins, Rude Behavior, Island Books, →ISBN:
      This turdhat will give me a list of twenty things I’ll need to do to keep the whole block from burning down.
      Hyphenated (turd-hat) in the first edition (1998, page 70).
    • 2015 March, “In School”, in Maximum Rocknroll[1]:
      bidi [choudhury]: I think the simple answer is that the songs are all very angry, and that I want other people to also be enraged, and be able to experience catharsis through listening to this furious music. The rage is about different things—all of the songs are quite personal, but most are about issues that relate to specific traumas and issues of identity. Others are simply about ex-humans that were dumb and creepy turdhats
    • 2018 August 23, Dan Schwab, “The Mean Streets of Key West; Part One: Wheeled Warriors”, in Key West Weekly, page 39:
      Watching someone texting while on a bicycle is one of those situations where you hope Darwinism would step in and remove this turdhat from the gene pool by steering him unwittingly into the path of a steamroller. Unfortunately, this world is not governed by cartoon laws — otherwise we would see many more fatalities due to pianos dropped from high-rises and exploding rocket skates.