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ultra- +‎ terrestrial



ultraterrestrial (not comparable)

  1. Beyond the planet Earth.
    Synonym: ultraterrene
    • 1982, Gary K. Wolfe, Science Fiction Research Association, Science Fiction Dialogues, page 120:
      It is also an extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial intelligence from near the star Sirius (V 59-60).
    • 1990, Trevor J. Constable, The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs[1], Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, →ISBN, pages 438-439:
      This is the reason why, sticking to the facts and failing for the time being any exhaustive, satisfactory explanation other than their “biological nature”, we agree to your interpretation, according to which most of the UFOs that have mystified men for generations are not extraterrestrial spaceships at all, but are generally-invisible, ultradimensional, ultraterrestrial, biological, etheric organisms that are of our planet, that have been living with us, side by side, unnoticed, since the beginning of time.
    • 1991, Michele Jamal, Volcanic Visions[2], Arkana, page 53:
      The dictionary defines ‘ultra’ as ‘beyond the limits of; transcending what is ordinary; on the other side of’. I define ‘ultraterrestrial’ as pertaining to sentient beings and a state of consciousness that is beyond the limits of three-dimensional awareness and activities, usually referring to beings who are ‘on the other side’ of our planet — extraterrestrial beings in some cases, ascended masters in others.