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From umu- +‎ -huzula +‎ -o.





umhúzulo class 3 (plural imihúzulo class 4)

  1. abrasion, grazing


Class 3/4
Singular Plural
Full form umhuzulo imihuzulo
Locative emhuzulweni emihuzulweni
Singular Plural
Full form umhuzulo imihuzulo
Simple form mhuzulo mihuzulo
Locative emhuzulweni emihuzulweni
Copulative ngumhuzulo yimihuzulo
Possessive forms
Singular Plural
Modifier Substantive Modifier Substantive
Class 1 womhuzulo owomhuzulo wemihuzulo owemihuzulo
Class 2 bomhuzulo abomhuzulo bemihuzulo abemihuzulo
Class 3 womhuzulo owomhuzulo wemihuzulo owemihuzulo
Class 4 yomhuzulo eyomhuzulo yemihuzulo eyemihuzulo
Class 5 lomhuzulo elomhuzulo lemihuzulo elemihuzulo
Class 6 omhuzulo awomhuzulo emihuzulo awemihuzulo
Class 7 somhuzulo esomhuzulo semihuzulo esemihuzulo
Class 8 zomhuzulo ezomhuzulo zemihuzulo ezemihuzulo
Class 9 yomhuzulo eyomhuzulo yemihuzulo eyemihuzulo
Class 10 zomhuzulo ezomhuzulo zemihuzulo ezemihuzulo
Class 11 lomhuzulo olomhuzulo lwemihuzulo olwemihuzulo
Class 14 bomhuzulo obomhuzulo bemihuzulo obemihuzulo
Class 15 komhuzulo okomhuzulo kwemihuzulo okwemihuzulo
Class 17 komhuzulo okomhuzulo kwemihuzulo okwemihuzulo

