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valise +‎ -ful



valiseful (plural valisefuls)

  1. A quantity contained in a valise.
    • 1913, O. Henry, The four million, page 199:
      I saw you collar the late president's valiseful of boodle.
    • 1943, Sidney Joseph Perelman, The dream department, page 167:
      If that advertisement is any indication, a few valisefuls of these gadgets would make Gautama Buddha look like a prairie evangelist.
    • 2010, Robert Goddard, Take No Farewell, page 28:
      It was there, on a day of raw greyness contrasting sharply with my previous visit to Hereford, that I made my way for tea at the appointed time, clutching a valiseful of perspective views and floor plans for the new house.
    • 2011, Glenway Wescott, Apartment in Athens:
      He was a sad gruff little man; but he had a valiseful of medicines, and he impressed her with his air of science, and she liked him.