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Variant orthographies
ALIV weichü
Brazilian standard weichö
New Tribes weichö



From w- (intransitive prefix) +‎ ei (to be) +‎ -dü (action nominalizer).





weichü (possessed weichü)

  1. life
  2. health
  3. way of living, way of being
    • 2008, speakers ‘Jdk’ and ‘Anl’ from Boca de Piña (ConvChurB.018–021), recorded in Cáceres, Natalia (2011), Grammaire Fonctionelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana, page 337:
      Jdk. “Ye'kwana weichü natamei” ke wö'düadü.
      Anl. ¡Yaatamedü!
      Jdk. Tamedö natamei, wönwanö natamei, sü'na emi'chüdü natamei […]
      Jdk. I say that the Ye’kwana’s way of life has ended.
      Anl. It’s coming to an end!
      Jdk. Everything has ended, the dance has ended, taking dogs hunting has ended […]
  4. living person or people
  5. lifetime, time of (someone)




  1. verbal noun of ei


  • Hall, Katherine Lee (1988) The morphosyntax of discourse in De'kwana Carib, volumes I and II, Saint Louis, Missouri: PhD Thesis, Washington University, pages 228, 402:[wei'čï] 'living people, family' [] wei'chü - people, family (living persons)
  • Hall, Katherine (2007) “weiʔčɨ”, in Mary Ritchie Key & Bernard Comrie, editors, The Intercontinental Dictionary Series[1], Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, published 2021
  • Lauer, Matthew Taylor (2005) Fertility in Amazonia: Indigenous Concepts of the Human Reproductive Process Among the Ye’kwana of Southern Venezuela[2], Santa Barbara: University of California, pages 216–217:weichö