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Alternative forms





  1. Devanagari script form of vapati (to sow)



Alternative forms




Etymology 1


From Proto-Indo-Iranian *(H)wap- (to strew, scatter), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂wep(h₁)- (to scatter, harass). Cognate with Avestan 𐬬𐬍𐬎𐬎𐬁𐬞𐬀𐬝 (vīuuāpat̰, strews apart, plunders), and Hittite 𒄷𒉿𒀊𒍣 (huwapp-i, to hurl, throw; to mistreat, harass). See वप् (vap) for more etymological information.

The cognates show a semantic development from "strew, scatter" to "plunder, harass, destroy" ("to scatter" --> "to scatter the enemy armies"); this meaning is preserved in Rigveda : anyáṃ te asmán ní vapantu sénāḥ ([O Rudra] May your armies attack someone other than us).



वपति (vápati) third-singular indicative (class 1, root वप्)

  1. to scatter, spread, strew, bestrew
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 8.7.4:
      वप॑न्ति म॒रुतो॒ मिहं॒ प्र वे॑पयन्ति॒ पर्व॑तान् ।
      यद्यामं॒ यान्ति॑ वा॒युभिः॑ ॥
      vápanti marúto míhaṃ prá vepayanti párvatān.
      yádyā́maṃ yā́nti vāyúbhiḥ.
      The Maruts spread the mist abroad and make mountains rock and reel,
      When with the winds they go their way.
    1. (especially) to strew or scatter seeds, sow
      • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.101.3:
        यु॒नक्त॒ सीरा॒ वि यु॒गा त॑नुध्वं कृ॒ते योनौ॑ वपते॒ह बीजं॑ ।
        गि॒रा च॑ श्रु॒ष्टिः सभ॑रा॒ अस॑न्नो॒ नेदी॑य॒ इत्सृ॒ण्यः॑ प॒क्वमेया॑त् ॥
        yunákta sī́rā ví yugā́ tanudhvaṃ kṛté yónau vapatehá bī́jaṃ.
        girā́ ca śruṣṭíḥ sábharā ásanno nédīya ítsṛṇyàḥ pakváméyāt.
        Lay on the yokes, and fasten well the traces: formed is the furrow, sow the seed within it.
        Through song may we find bearing fraught with plenty: near to the ripened grain approach the sickle.
      1. to plant, put in the ground
      2. to procreate, beget
    2. to scatter an army, to plunder
      • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 2.33.11:
        स्तु॒हि श्रु॒तं ग॑र्त॒सदं॒ युवा॑नं मृ॒गं न भी॒ममु॑पह॒त्नुमु॒ग्रम् ।
        मृ॒ळा ज॑रि॒त्रे रु॑द्र॒ स्तवा॑नो॒ऽन्यं ते॑ अ॒स्मन्नि व॑पन्तु॒ सेनाः॑ ॥
        stuhí śrutáṃ gartasádaṃ yúvānaṃ mṛgáṃ ná bhīmámupahatnúmugrám.
        mṛḷā́ jaritré rudra stávānoʼnyáṃ te asmánní vapantu sénāḥ.
        Praise him the chariot-borne, the young, the famous, fierce, slaying like a dreaded beast of the forest.
        O Rudra, praised, be gracious to the singer of your hymns. Let thy armies spare us and attack someone else.
  2. to throw, cast (dice)
  3. to throw or heap up, dam up

Etymology 2


From Proto-Indo-Iranian *(H)wap- (to shave, shear). See वप् (vap) for more etymological information.



वपति (vápati) third-singular indicative (class 1, root वप्)

  1. to shave, shear
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.142.4:
      यदु॒द्वतो॑ नि॒वतो॒ यासि॒ बप्स॒त्पृथ॑गेषि प्रग॒र्धिनी॑व॒ सेना॑ ।
      य॒दा ते॒ वातो॑ अनु॒वाति॑ शो॒चिर्वप्ते॑व॒ श्मश्रु॑ वपसि॒ प्र भूम॑ ॥
      yádudváto niváto yā́si bápsatpṛ́thageṣi pragardhínīva sénā.
      yadā́ te vā́to anuvā́ti śocírvápteva śmáśru vapasi prá bhū́ma.
      O'er hills through vales devouring as thou goest, thou partest like an army fain for loot
      As when a barber shaves a beard, thou shavest earth when the wind blows on thy flame and fans it.