Appendix:Hiragana script

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This appendix explains characters written in the Hiragana script.


The gojūon table[edit]

The table below shows the gojūon table with all hiragana characters, except alternative versions such as small characters or with diacritics, as they are most commonly organized.

Hiragana gojūon table
Row A
Row I
Row U
Row E
Row O
Section A (あ行)
Section KA (か行)
Section SA (さ行)
Section TA (た行)
Section NA (な行)
Section HA (は行)
Section MA (ま行)
Section YA (や行)
Section RA (ら行)
Section WA (わ行)

Iroha ordering system[edit]

Another ordering system is the iroha, based on a Japanese poem that, if written in hiragana, each character appears exactly once, similarly to a pangram:


Orthographic variations[edit]

Hiragana characters with diacritics[edit]


Additional characters with diacritics[edit]

Dakuten わ゙ ゑ゙ ゐ゙ を゙

Additional characters with diacritics (Part 2)[edit]

Handakuten ら゚ れ゚ り゚ ろ゚ る゚

Small forms[edit]

These are hiragana characters written in small size. They often serve functions different from those of their normal-size counterparts.

Normal size
Small size

Additional symbols[edit]

Origins of the characters[edit]

See Appendix:Japanese script.