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U+3058, じ
Composition: [U+3057] + ◌゙ [U+3099]



Stroke order
3 strokes

Etymology 1


The hiragana character (shi) with a dakuten ().






  1. The hiragana syllable (ji). Its equivalent in katakana is (ji).
See also
The Hiragana script
あ゙ か゚ さ゚ た゚ ら゚ わ゙ ん゙
い゙ き゚ し゚ ち゚ 𛀆 り゚ 𛅐ゐ゙
う゚ く゚ す゚ つ゚ る゚ 𛄟
え゙ け゚ せ゚ て゚ 𛀁 れ゚ 𛅑ゑ゙
お゙ 𛄲こ゚ そ゚ と゚ ろ゚ 𛅒を゙
Additional symbols

Etymology 2





  1. : hour, o'clock
  2. : (Buddhism) temple; monastery; place of worship
  3. : number of times: an ordinal marker; number in a sequence, number of aspects or dimensions
  4. :




  1. : pillar; prism, cylinder
  2. : earth, dirt; fabric, cloth; territory
  3. : letter, character
  4. : samurai; serve
  5. :
  6. :
  7. : hemorrhoids
  8. : speech




  1. :




  1. : a road, a street; attaches to place names, indicating a road to that place; attaches to a time duration, indicating a trip taking that length of time
  2. : at the time of

Etymology 3

For pronunciation and definitions of – see the following entries.
[noun] letter, character
[noun] handwriting, penmanship
[counter] letters, characters
[noun] earth, dirt
[noun] fabric, cloth
[noun] (go) territory
[suffix] (chiefly Buddhism) a temple
[counter] hour, o’clock
[suffix] at the time of...
[affix] time, moment
[affix] at that time, chance, occasion
[affix] hour, hourly
[counter] number of times: an ordinal marker
[counter] number in a sequence, number of aspects or dimensions
[noun] (rare) order, sequence
[prefix] (attached to nouns) the next, secondary, vice-
[prefix] (chemistry) hypo- (used to distinguish the oxidation levels of various acids)
[noun] a seal or sigil carved into a jewel
[noun] more specifically, such a seal belonging to the Chinese emperor of the Qin Dynasty or later, or belonging to the Japanese emperor
[noun] 八尺瓊曲玉 (​Yasakani no Magatama), the jewel that is one of the three sacred treasures comprising the Imperial Regalia of Japan
[noun] (pathology) hemorrhoids, piles
(This term, (ji), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
For a list of all kanji read as , see Category:Japanese kanji read as じ.)

Etymology 4





  1. (Classical Japanese) Attaches to the 未然形 (mizenkei, irrealis or incomplete form) of verbs to form the negative conjectural/volitional, equivalent to modern まい (-mai).
    • Iroha
      (あさ)(ゆめ)() ()ひもせず
      Asaki yume miji
      Ei mo sezu
      We shall not have superficial dreams
      Nor be deluded.
Usage notes

This word is morphologically an inflectional suffix. It is classified as 助動詞 (jodōshi, auxiliary verb) in traditional Japanese grammar.