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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Atitarev in topic 콤, 콤하다
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RFD 2014


The following information has failed Wiktionary's deletion process.

It should not be re-entered without careful consideration.

, 콤하다


The noun 콤 and suffix 콤하다 do not exist. Wyang (talk) 05:10, 14 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Worth an RFV? — Ungoliant (falai) 14:06, 14 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
As far as I know, 콤 is kind of noun modifier to make nouns from adjective roots... 콤하다 is verb root, which is never seen alone... You can duplicate the 콤 for example to say sweet-and-sour (새콤달콤). This is native Korean grammar that is taught in Korean schools, but not commonly taught online. Monni95 (talk) 21:08, 14 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
kom is itself from the large family KOɴ (k/g-o/u/eu-m/n) (perhaps the same as in 만큼), which is seen in 달곰하다, 달곰삼삼하다, 달곰새금하다, 달곰쌉쌀하다, 달곰씁쓸하다, 달금하다, 달콤하다, 달큼하다, 달큰하다, 들큼하다, 새큼달큼하다, 달근달근하다(?) using dal- as an example. , 콤하다 are not analysed as separate words, not in any Korean dictionary I have seen so far. They are attached to the adjectival root dal-, maeP-, si/sae- as the unanalysable unit kom (which then undergoes hada-, etc. derivation), not as the suffix morpheme kom or komhada. For example, please see the entry for 'dalkomhada' here - the 형태분석 ("morphological analysis") field at the top; '±달콤' means an unanalysable unit. There are too many possible units that can be attached to the verb/adjective root to make derivations, and Korean dictionaries do not decompose the 'root' (to which adjectival/verbal suffixes are attached, dalkom in this case) further.
Another example, from the root nOr (n-o/u-r, "yellow"), augmentations can lead to 노라노랗다, 노랗다, 노르께하다, 노르끄레하다, 노르끄름하다, 노르끄무레하다, 노르끼레하다, 노르다, 노르대대하다, 노르댕댕하다, 노르무레하다, 노르스레하다, 노르스름하다, 노르족족하다, 노르칙칙하다, 노르퇴퇴하다, 노름노름하다, 노름하다, 노릇노릇하다, 노릇하다, 노리끼리하다, 노릿노릿하다, 뇌랗다, 뇌르끄레하다, 누러누렇다, 누렁누렁하다, 누렇다, 누르께하다, 누르끄레하다, 누르끄름하다, 누르끄무레하다, 누르끼레하다, 누르다, 누르데데하다, 누르뎅뎅하다, 누르디누르다, 누르딩딩하다, 누르무레하다, 누르스레하다, 누르스름하다, 누르죽죽하다, 누르퉁퉁하다, 누르튀튀하다, 누름누름하다, 누름하다, 누릇누릇하다, 누릇하다, 누리끼리하다, 누릿하다, 누릿누릿하다, 뉘렇다, 뉘르끄레하다, which are morphologically analysed as root nOr- + (±unanalysable augmentation unit) + optional adjectival suffix ha- + ending -da by Korean dictionaries. Wyang (talk) 23:55, 14 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Perhaps (kom) should be converted to suffix or component then, rather than deleting? Shinji, please comment here too. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 00:02, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
Don't think it's worth it. We would need entries for all of , , , , , , and in the second case all of , 끄름, 끄무레, 끼레, 대대, 댕댕, 무레, 스레, 스름, 족족, 칙칙, 퇴퇴, , , 끼리, , , 끄레, 데데, 뎅뎅, 딩딩, 죽죽, 퉁퉁, 튀튀 etc... Wyang (talk) 00:15, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply
The following source treats as a suffix: [1]. However, there are only three words with it:
For me, 콤 itself has no meaning, so Delete, but these three verbs certainly have the same pattern. It would be all right if we list them in the related terms section. Similarly, in Japanese, すっぱい and しょっぱい have the same pattern but you can’t say they have a common suffix. — TAKASUGI Shinji (talk) 00:35, 15 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Deleted. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 08:39, 29 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

--Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 08:40, 29 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

RFD discussion: April 2014

See Talk:콤#RFD discussion: April 2014.