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Inherited from Old Norse þeyr, compare Danish  c and Norwegian Nynorsk tøyr m.






  1. thaw, weather conditions that make snow and ice melt
    det som göms i snö, kommer upp i
    what was hidden in snow, comes back at thaw (Swedish proverb)

See also

  • dagsmeja (daylight thaw (during below zero temperature))

Further reading




Etymology 1


From Proto-Finnic *töö.



(genitive teiden, partitive teid)

  1. you (plural)
Inflection of
nominative sing. sinä
genitive sing. sinun
partitive sing. sindai
partitive plur. teid
singular plural
nominative sinä
accusative sinun
genitive sinun teiden
partitive sindai teid
inessive sinus teiš
elative sinuspäi teišpäi
illative sinuhu teihe
adessive sinai teil
ablative sinaipäi teilpäi
allative sinei teile
abessive sinuta teita
comitative sinunke teidenke
approximative I
approximative II
terminative I
terminative II
terminative III
additive I
additive II

Etymology 2


From Proto-Finnic *töö.



  1. work, labour
  2. (result of) work, product
  3. publication, issue
Inflection of (inflection type 13/ma)
nominative sing.
genitive sing. tön
partitive sing. töd
partitive plur. töid
singular plural
nominative töd
accusative tön töd
genitive tön töiden
partitive töd töid
essive-instructive tön töin
translative töks töikš
inessive tös töiš
elative töspäi töišpäi
illative töhö töihe
adessive töl töil
ablative tölpäi töilpäi
allative töle töile
abessive töta töita
comitative tönke töidenke
prolative tödme töidme
approximative I tönno töidenno
approximative II tönnoks töidennoks
egressive tönnopäi töidennopäi
terminative I töhösai töihesai
terminative II tölesai töilesai
terminative III tössai
additive I töhöpäi töihepäi
additive II tölepäi töilepäi
Derived terms







  1. at, on
    • 1931, Arie de Jong, Gramat Volapüka, § 256:
      Vipob binön stajon tü foldil düpa bü deveg trena.
      I wish to be at the station a quarter of an hour before the train starts.
    • 1937, “‚Johann Martin Schleyer’”, in Volapükagased pro Nedänapükans, page 34:
      De 1852 jü 1855 ästudom in niver ‚Freiburg im Breisgau’ Godavi, pükavi, filosopi, jenavi e sanavi.
      From 1852 to 1855 he studied theology, philology, philosophy, history and medicine at the university in Freiburg im Breisgau.