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Ancient Greek

Alternative forms


From ληΐς (lēḯs), Epic form of λεία (leía, plunder, spoils)




λῃστής (lēistḗsm (genitive λῃστοῦ); first declension (Attic) [proposed correction per Strong's Greek: “Strong's Greek: 3027. λῃστής (léstés)” instead of lēistḗs. Other Greek dictionaries give léstés or the equivalent lēstēs.]

  1. robber, bandit
    • 429 BCE, Sophocles, Oedipus the King 122:
      (Κρέων) λῃστὰς ἔφασκε συντυχόντας οὐ μιᾷ ῥώμῃ κτανεῖν νιν, ἀλλὰ σὺν πλήθει χερῶν.
      (Οἰδίπους) πῶς οὖν ὁ λῃστής, εἴ τι μὴ ξὺν ἀργύρῳ ἐπράσσετ᾽ ἐνθένδ᾽, ἐς τόδ᾽ ἂν τόλμης ἔβη;
      • Translation by Sir Richard Jebb. 1887. @perseus
        (Creon) He said that robbers fell upon them, not one man alone, but with a great force.
        (Oedipus) How then, unless some intrigue had been worked with bribes from here in Thebes, would the robbers have been so bold?
    • 429 BCE, Sophocles, Oedipus the King 535:
      οὗτος σύ, πῶς δεῦρ᾽ ἦλθες; ἦ τοσόνδ᾽ ἔχεις
      τόλμης πρόσωπον ὥστε τὰς ἐμὰς στέγας
      ἵκου, φονεὺς ὢν τοῦδε τἀνδρὸς ἐμφανῶς
      λῃστής τ᾽ ἐναργὴς τῆς ἐμῆς τυραννίδος;
      • Translation by Sir Richard Jebb. 1887. @perseus
        You, how did you get here? Are you so
        boldfaced that you have come to my house,
        you who are manifestly the murderer of its master,
        the palpable thief of its crown?
  2. pirate, buccaneer
  3. revolutionary, insurrectionist, guerrilla
  4. (figuratively)
    • σωφροσύνας ὑβριστά, φρενοκλόπε, λῃστὰ λογισμοῦ, πτανὸν πῦρ, ψυχᾶς τραῦμ' ἀόρατον, Ἔρως
      sōphrosúnas hubristá, phrenoklópe, lēistà logismoû, ptanòn pûr, psukhâs traûm' aóraton, Érōs
      [you,] insolent of prudence, robber of the mind, pirate of reason, flying fire, invisible trauma of the soul, [you,] Eros
      APl. (Anthology of Planudes).4.198. [Maecius/Maccius]: Μελέαγρος [Meleager]



Derived terms


  • Greek: ληστής (listís)
  • Arabic: لِصّ (liṣṣ)
  • Aramaic: לִסְטָא (lesṭā) / ܠܣܛܐ (lesṭā)

Further reading