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Alternative forms

  • -евна (-evna)used after a soft consonant
  • -ична (-ična)colloquial, after a soft consonant, stressed on the stem
  • -инична (-inična)colloquial, after a soft consonant, stressed on the ending
  • -ычна (-yčna)colloquial, after a hard consonant



-овна (-ovnaf

  1. a feminine patronymic suffix added to a given name ending in a hard (unpalatalized) consonant: daughter of
    Па́вел (Pável, Paul) + ‎-овна (-ovna) → ‎Па́вловна (Pávlovna, daughter of Pavel (Paul))
    Ива́н (Iván, John) + ‎-овна (-ovna) → ‎Ива́новна (Ivánovna, daughter of Ivan (John))

Usage notes




Derived terms
