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Alternative forms




-я́шка (-jáškaf or m

  1. suffix used to form diminutive nouns from nouns and adjectives, often indicating a (small) object with a given quality
    вку́сный (vkúsnyj, tasty) + ‎-я́шка (-jáška) → ‎вкусня́шка (vkusnjáška, delicacy, something yummy)
    стекло́ (stekló, glass) + ‎-я́шка (-jáška) → ‎стекля́шка (stekljáška, a small piece of glass, a glass object)
  2. suffix used to form colloquial singular terms for identical siblings
    дво́йня (dvójnja, (a pair of) twins) + ‎-я́шка (-jáška) → ‎двойня́шка (dvojnjáška, a twin)
    тро́йня (trójnja, (a set of) triplets) + ‎-я́шка (-jáška) → ‎тройня́шка (trojnjáška, a triplet)



Derived terms
