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Blend of Glinner +‎ incel, the first component being taken from Linehan's now-suspended Twitter account (@glinner), itself a blend of his given name and surname.



Glincel (plural Glincels)

  1. (Internet slang, derogatory) A fervent defender of Graham Linehan and/or supporter of his views on transgender people.
    • 2019 February 27, meh (@ohnonotphil), Twitter[1]:
      Glincels in force doing their master’s bidding in response to this tweet.
    • 2019 September 17, Bethany Black (@BeffernieBlack), Twitter[2]:
      Seen a lot of Glincels and even Linehan himself repeating the lie “people are forceably transing gay teenage kids”.
    • 2020 May 8, hashtag girlboss (@surfacingwater), Twitter[3]:
      at some point you'll incur the wrath of him or his Glincels.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Glincel.