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From German Menschanschauung.



Menschanschauung (uncountable)

  1. the set of ideas and presumptions one has about humans
    • 2005, Richard Stern, Almonds to Zhoof: Collected Stories, Northwestern University Press, →ISBN, page 462:
      My Weltanschauung, my Menschanschauung, did not tolerate such shoulders in women, such arms, such power.
    • 2008, Ricardo Carrillo, PhD, PhD, Jerry Tello, MS, Family Violence and Men of Color: Healing the Wounded Male Spirit, Second Edition, Springer Publishing Company, →ISBN, page 109:
      He notes that every culture has its own Menschanschauung (view of the human being) that its[sic] uses to resocialize and heal its people.
    • 1973, Joseph Lyons, Experience: an introduction to a personal psychology, HarperCollins Publishers:
      This Menschanschauung, as it might be called, presupposes that man's suffering is an outcome of his experience, that mental suffering should be relieved, that man has some freedom of choice and decision, that he can control himself to some ...
    • 1986, E. H. Andrews, Werner Gitt, W. J. Ouweneel, Concepts in creationism, Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co
      However, if the world-view of the scientist was totally changed, this could not be without an effect upon the view of man (Menschanschauung) in the field of the humanities.







Mensch (human) +‎ Anschauung (view, way of seeing)



Menschanschauung f (genitive Menschanschauung, no plural)

  1. Menschanschauung
    • 1991, Richard Kozlowski, Die Aporien der Intersubjektivität: eine Auseinandersetzung mit Edmund Husserls Intersubjektivitätstheorie, →ISBN:
      Auf der Ebene der vor-theoretischen Konstitution erscheint das Individuum als ein schlichtes Korrelat der Menschanschauung und ist aus ihr nicht herauslösbar.
      In the plane of pretheoretical constitution, the individual appears to be a simple correlative of the Menschanschauung and cannot be separated from it.
    • 1961, Johanna Schell, Asthetische probleme der kirchenmusik im lichte der enzyklika p...:
      Die formale Kunstbetrachtung steht somit als Teilgebiet einer irdisch verhafteten Welt- und Menschanschauung im Widerspruch zur biblischen Offenbarung, und zum christlichen Denken.
      Thus, the formal criticism of art is part of the domain of a terrestrially arrested world-view and Menschanschauung in opposition to biblical revelation and Christian thought.

