Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/winkijan

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This Proto-West Germanic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.

Proto-West Germanic




From Proto-Indo-European *weng- (to bend).




  1. to bend, flex
  2. to move back and forth, wave
  3. to flutter, blink
  4. to shake


Class 1 weak
Infinitive *winkijan
1st sg. past *winkidā
Infinitive *winkijan
Genitive infin. *winkijannjas
Dative infin. *winkijannjē
Instrum. infin. *winkijannju
Indicative Present Past
1st singular *winkiju *winkidā
2nd singular *winkisi *winkidēs, *winkidōs
3rd singular *winkiþi *winkidē, *winkidā
1st plural *winkijum *winkidum
2nd plural *winkiþ *winkidud
3rd plural *winkijanþ *winkidun
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular *winkijē *winkidī
2nd singular *winkijēs *winkidī
3rd singular *winkijē *winkidī
1st plural *winkijēm *winkidīm
2nd plural *winkijēþ *winkidīd
3rd plural *winkijēn *winkidīn
Imperative Present
Singular *winki
Plural *winkiþ
Present Past
Participle *winkijandī *winkid

Derived terms


