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RFV discussion: August 2015–June 2016


The following information has failed Wiktionary's verification process (permalink).

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These are incorrect forms of bestille in Danish. See DDO [1]. Moved from RFC. Donnanz (talk) 08:59, 13 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Note to closer: See discussion above [of lagerene]. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 16:50, 17 August 2015 (UTC)Reply
Bestillede seems to be attested but obsolete. Bestilledes is less common. Some Google Books hits are Norwegian and some are scannos, but some seem to be old Danish:
  • 1723, Biblia, / Det er / Den gandske / [H?]ell. [S?]kriftes / Bøger, page 502:
    [...]; og jeg bestillede (nogle) af mine svenne[?] hos portene, at ingen byrde skulde [...]
    [...]; and I ordered (some) of my [svenne?] at the gates that no load should [...]
  • 1778, Hagiographa, eller, efter gammel Inddeling, Sidste Samling, Den 2. Krønikerues Bog (2 Chronicles) 19:5, page 727:
    End bestillede han Dommerei Landet, udi alle Juda faste Stader, for enhver Bye:
    [more modern Bible]: Og han indsatte Dommere i Landet i hver enkelt af de befæsfede Byer i Juda.
    [KJV]: And he set judges in the land throughout all the fenced cities of Judah, city by city, [...]
  • 1851, Den Danske Krønike Af Saxo Grammaticus (Israel Salomon Levin, ‎Adolph Engelbert Boye), page cclii:
    Huilcket hand bestillede tuert imod sit eget løffte oc Kongens befalning.
    Which hand ordered [tours?] against his own promise and the king's order.
  • 1903, Julius Clausen, ‎Orla Lehmann, Af Orla Lehmanns papirer: bidrag til Danmarks tidshistorie i det 19. aarhundrede:
    Borgmesteren, Overauditør Qvistgaard, fandt jeg paa hans Bopæl, men kunde kun veksle nogle faa Ord med ham, da jeg straks bestilledes hen til den tæt udenfor værende Højstkommanderende, en Oberst St. Paul.
    The mayor, Superior-Auditor Qvistgaard, I found in his residence, but [I] could only exchange a few words with him, then I was immediately ordered to [go?] close by outside [by the current?] High-Commander, a Colonel St. Paul.
  • 1922, Holberg aarbog, page 71:
    og blev om-beden at flye dem at vide hvad fornevnte Dellings Herskab udi Tydskland giorde og bestillede, da haver han lavet sig til og sad og ravede,
It's even in an 1845 A Danish-English Dictionary: Bestille, v. a. bestillede & bestilte; bestilt, to do, perform; to bespeak, order;
- -sche (discuss) 02:31, 21 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
bestillede RFV-passed (marked "obsolete") per the citations above, bestilledes RFV-failed with only one citation. - -sche (discuss) 23:14, 29 June 2016 (UTC)Reply