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Documentation for Template:el-conjug-2nd-C. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.
  • This template is intended for 2nd Conjugation passive only verbs of type C like κοιμάμαι
  • Also see Wiktionary:Greek verb inflection-table templates/Parameters
  • If desired:
    suppress passive present participle
    |p-perfprt=- (suppresses passive perfect participle -μένος)
    |no-a-perf2=1 (suppresses 2nd perfects: έχω ...-μένο)
    |no-p-perf2=1 (suppresses the default 2nd passive perfect forms like: είμαι ...-μένος)
    |p-presprt=- (suppresses passive present participle -ούμενος)
  • It calls {{el-conjug-table-pass}} which formats the table
  • It also calls various templates (of general form el-conjug-sub---)


The conjugation of κοιμάμαι (koimámai, I sleep)
