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Prince Kassad08:40, 17 May 2010

I appear to have become some sort of message which is not delivered through the conventional editing of my user page. Why is it so? What is its purpose? Is it going to supplant our traditional way of addressing each other (on user talk pages)?

The uſer hight Bogorm converſation16:52, 17 May 2010

Say hello to LiquidThreads.

It has been installed now, as I already announced on the BP. Yes, it will be the new way to leave messages, and you will have to live with it.

Prince Kassad16:56, 17 May 2010


​—msh21017:52, 17 May 2010

New messages can still be posted on your talk page I think. The so called new messages only mean that someone has responded to your post in a liquid thread.

Dan Polansky17:31, 17 May 2010

testing some more. <abcd>

Equinox 17:05, 17 May 2010

erm, what did that move do? It looks like the destination and the origin were the same.

Prince Kassad17:06, 17 May 2010

I bump this thread, apparently.

Conrad.Irwin17:07, 17 May 2010

Now I don't bump this thread.

Conrad.Irwin17:09, 17 May 2010

Me, either. :-)

RuakhTALK17:11, 17 May 2010


​—msh21017:52, 17 May 2010

I dunno. I think I hacked it.

Equinox 17:10, 17 May 2010

Maybe Wiktionary:LiquidThreads testing should be used for testing, as Wiktionary:Sandbox doesn't have LQT turned on, hm?

Yair rand17:07, 17 May 2010

I moved the thread there. It should now be easily accessible.

Prince Kassad17:08, 17 May 2010

A post, testing one. The signature is shown automatically; not too bad.

Dan Polansky17:13, 17 May 2010
Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:28, 17 May 2010

And there is a hyperlink next to "my watchlist" that notifies me of new messages. Now this is seriously cool. And I do not have to worry about accidentally editing someone else's post. The interface informs other users that I have edited my post after having posted it.

Dan Polansky17:21, 17 May 2010

Well there's one problem... the edittools don't work at all for LQT. That seriously needs to be fixed.

Prince Kassad17:23, 17 May 2010

Meh. "This thread has new posts. Update" Interesting, isn't it?

Yair rand (talk)17:24, 17 May 2010

That's because, when I wrote the JavaScript that handles them, it never occurred to me that they might ever be inserted dynamically into an existing page. And even if it had occurred to me, I probably would have assumed they'd be inserted by JavaScript that could then invoke the JavaScript that handles them. Update: Actually, now that I think about it, what I wrote was just a replacement for previously-existing JavaScript that had already made that assumption. So it's not my fault! :-P

Does anyone know if LQT has any JS hooks or callbacks or anything like that? Is there any way to get it to call the code that handles the edit-tools? I really don't want to write JS that will just poll the page every so often to see if suddenly the edit-tools are in it.

RuakhTALK22:12, 17 May 2010


​—msh21017:51, 17 May 2010

btw: beware, liquidthreads do not work at all in IE6.

Prince Kassad17:34, 17 May 2010

Nothing works at all in IE 6.

Equinox 17:44, 17 May 2010


​—msh21017:51, 17 May 2010

(tongue-in-cheek ;) ) Msh210 are you our resident ellipsis man or something? xD

50 Xylophone Players talk20:40, 21 May 2010

A post with three dots. Odd. :)

Yair rand (talk)17:52, 17 May 2010

more like a dot with three posts

17:52, 17 May 201017:56, 17 May 2010


 Michael Z. 2010-05-22 16:16 z16:16, 22 May 2010

Are there smileys? I mean emoticons, like in forums.

Vahagn Petrosyan09:01, 18 May 2010

Well, yes.

Daniel.09:17, 18 May 2010

Yeah, except that you just added [[File:smiley.png|15px]]. :)

Yair rand (talk)23:02, 18 May 2010

Which turns out to be a perfect smiley. :)

Daniel.23:06, 18 May 2010

The point Yair is making (well from how I see it :-) ) is that it'd cool if typing :), :( , >:(, >:) :D, etc actually yielded emoticons as they in some chatrooms and fora. Btw, this is still awesome though! ^^

50 Xylophone Players talk20:37, 21 May 2010

It would be pretty cool, but I could see it causing problems, and it's probably not practical. fr.wikt actually has emoticon templates, see fr:Category:Modèles d’émoticônes.

Yair rand (talk)20:45, 21 May 2010

I would not oppose templates like possibly {{=D}} or {{;)}} which would return "standardized" smileys for anyone; but I'd also be inclined to choose my own emoticons when necessary.

Daniel.17:36, 22 May 2010