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Compound of fortkomst (transportation) +‎ ledamot (limb). First attested in 1843.[1]



fortkomstledamot c

  1. (obsolete, humorous, chiefly in the plural) A leg or foot (the limb used for walking).
    • 1893 August 3, C. L. Tornberg, transl., Kunskaparen, quoted in Göteborgs Aftonblad, translation of Old Guess Markham, or, The cavalry scout by J. Thomas Warren, page 3:
      Croppy stod just i begrepp att taga af sina fotbeklädnadspersedlar, ett par klumpiga, betydligt slitna skodon, som han kort förut konfiskerat från en död rebells fortkomstledamöter, då han på en gång spetsade öronen och lyssnade.
      Croppy was just about to draw off his footwear, a pair of coarse, considerably well-worn shoes, which he had confiscated from a dead rebel's legs a short time before, when he pricked up his ears and listened attentively.




  • ben (leg)
  • fot (foot)
  • apostlahäst (leg(s), literally horse of the apostle)

