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See also: Jeb and JEB





From Proto-Indo-European *yós, *ye- (relative pronoun), with a particle ba, attested also at the end of the old conjunction neba. Cognates include Lithuanian jei (if), dialectal jeba.[1]


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  1. or, also known as, to wit
    telefons jeb tālrunistelephone, or far-speaker (two Latvian synonyms)
    glaukoma jeb zaļais ūdens, kā tas tautā iesauktsglaucoma, or green water, as it is popularly called
    fonētika jeb valodniecības nozare, kas pētī valodas skaņasphonetics, or the branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of language
  2. or (uniting two clauses introduced by the conjunction vai, either questions or subordinate clauses)
    vai nu tūlīt nāksi, jeb vai ilgi man būs jāgaida?are you coming in now, or will I have to wait longer?
    Andrs pagāja tālāk palūkot, vai Lakstiņš kambara durvis aizslēdz jeb vai tās visu laiku stāv vaļāAndrs went to check whether Lakstiņš had locked the chamber door, or whether it had been open the whole time


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns. 1992, 2001. Latviešu etimoloģijas vārdnīca. Rīga: AVOTS. →ISBN.

Lower Sorbian







  1. imperative singular of jebaś








  1. to reach, to get to, to arrive







Deverbal from jebać, from Proto-Slavic *jebati.


  • IPA(key): /ˈjɛp/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ɛp
  • Syllabification: jeb




  1. (vulgar) wham!; bang!; onomatopoeia for hitting, punching or explosions
    • 2002, Dorota Masłowska, Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną, Lampa i Iskra Boża:
      I, Silny, wtem wszyscy pochylacie się nad grillem patrząc w niego jak w objawienie, jak w zaćmienie słońca. A tu jeb, jeb, jeb, lecą panele wam na te genetycznie posrane łby jak jakieś jebnięte meteoryty, księżyce czy planety z nieba.
      And, suddenly everyone leaned over the grill looking at Silny like a revelation, like at a solar eclipse. And then bam, bang, zip, the panels fly into their fucking heads like some sort of god-damn meteors, moons, or planets from the sky.
    • 2012, Maciej Dominiczak, Księga Humoru: Anegdoty, dowcipy, humor, kawały, rozrywka, żart., →ISBN:
      Rusek popatrzył chwilę, podumał, i mówi: W naszym to my też mamy wszystkiego w bród. Wstał, wyciągnął spod ławki skrzynkę wódki i jeb przez okno.
      The Russky looked for a moment, pondered, and said "In our language we also have tons of everything." He got up, took out a handle of vodka from under the bench and wham, through the window.
    • 2013, Krzysztof Miller, 13 wojen i jedna, Otwarte, →ISBN:
      Więc leżę wtulony. Jeb! Strasznie blisko! Nic nie słyszę. Dotykam ucha. Nie urwało, ale dłoń czerwona, lepka. Z uszu cieknie mi krew. To dobrze, to znaczy, że żyję. Ale obok ciągle jeb, jeb, jeb. Ile oni tego wystrzelili?
      So I'm lying there, hunkered down. Bam! Awfully close! I don't hear anything. I touch my ear. It wasn't ripped off, but my hand is red, sticky. Blood is dripping from my ear. That's good, that means I'm alive. But next to me is constant bam, bam, bam. How much of this did they shoot off?




  1. second-person singular imperative of jebać

Further reading

  • jeb in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • jeb in Polish dictionaries at PWN





Borrowed from Hungarian zseb.



jeb n (plural jeburi)

  1. (Transylvania) pocket

