mossa kezeit

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Alternative forms




mos (to wash) +‎ -ja (personal suffix) + a (the) + kéz (hand) +‎ -ei (multiple-possession possessive suffix) +‎ -t (accusative suffix), literally: “to wash one's hands”.


  • IPA(key): [ˈmoʃːɒkɛzɛjit]



mossa kezeit

  1. (idiomatic) to wash one's hands of (to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for, to refuse to have any further involvement with; the matter in question can be expressed with kapcsán or ügyében, among others)

Usage notes


In the literal sense of washing one's hands, kezet mos or megmossa a kezét is used. (Body pairs and the corresponding items of clothing are normally used in the singular in Hungarian, so the plural is exceptional in this idiom.)


  • For the verb, see mos (its definite-conjugation forms are used here).
  • The inflected noun kezeit is changed in accordance with the subject: kezeimet, kezeidet, kezeinket, kezeiteket, kezeiket. The definite article a is optional, as well as the accusative ending -et (although it is not usually omitted in the plural).