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multi- +‎ factorial



multifactorial (not comparable)

  1. Involving, or controlled by multiple factors.
    • 1989 August 19, Bob Lederer, “Hiding Behind HIV”, in Gay Community News, volume 17, number 6, page 8:
      [] a pattern in medical research on infectious and degenerative diseases in the United States. That pattern shows three main built-in biases: 1) towards a single-agent theory of disease, as opposed to a multi-factorial analysis; 2) []
    • 2021 February 2, Katharine Murphy, The Guardian[1]:
      One of the under-reported dynamics during the coronavirus pandemic has been the collapse of One Nation’s vote. The reasons for this are likely multi-factorial.
  2. (genetics, of a trait) Involving multiple genetic or environmental factors.



multifactorial (plural multifactorials)

  1. (mathematics) A generalisation of a factorial in which each element to be multiplied differs from the next by an integer (e.g. n(n-3)(n-6)(n-9)...).





multifactorial m or f (masculine and feminine plural multifactoriales)

  1. multifactorial

Further reading
