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Blend of poop +‎ perpetrator.





poopetrator (plural poopetrators)

  1. (slang) A person who defecates in public or otherwise commits an act of vandalism using feces.
    • 2004 December 10, Susan Lampert Smith, “Police aid nabs park befoulers by working turd shift”, in Wisconsin State Journal:
      During the night, certain perpetrators were sneaking onto play equipment in parks and school yards and leaving deposits []
      The city stepped up surveillance of the park, which is just across the street and down the hill from the Police Department. It installed lights and a security camera. But it couldn’t catch the poopetrators.
    • 2012 March 28, Cassandra Garrison, “Brooklyn poop vandal strikes again”, in Metro:
      There is a poopetrator on the loose in Brooklyn, responsible for smearing feces on a number of doors and keyholes in the Prospect Heights and Crown Heights areas.
    • 2013 October 2, Adrian Rodrigues, “Police probe Saybrook laundry incident”, in Yale Daily News:
      In the past several weeks, an unknown individual or group, who students have dubbed the ‘poopetrator,’ has repeatedly defecated in students’ laundry, leaving many fearful about the safety of their clothes.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:poopetrator.