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See also: sjo, sjø, sjoe, and sjö.


Icelandic cardinal numbers
 <  6 7 8  > 
    Cardinal : sjö
    Ordinal : sjöundi



From Old Norse sjau, from Proto-Germanic *sebun, from earlier *sebunt, from Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥.






  1. seven; the cardinal number after sex (six) and before átta (eight).

Derived terms


See also



Swedish Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia sv



From Old Swedish siœr, from Old Norse sær, from Proto-Germanic *saiwiz.





sjö c

  1. a lake
    Synonym: insjö
    en sjö vid en stuga
    a lake by a cottage
    Vi ska gå och bada i sjön
    We are going for a swim in the lake
    Jason Voorhees är fastkedjad på botten av sjön
    Jason Voorhees is chained to the bottom of the lake
  2. (uncountable, especially in "på sjön" (on the sjö)) bodies of water, collectively, especially the sea; sea, water, lake, etc.
    Synonyms: (sea) till sjöss, (sea) havet, (sea) till havs
    saker att tänka på när du är ute på sjön
    things to keep in mind when you're out on the water [implying the sea (and perhaps also large lakes, etc.)] / at sea / [unlikely in this example, unless clear from context] on the lake [Note that the lake case could also be interpreted as (sense 1)]
    segla ut på sjön
    sail out on the water [implying the sea] / to sea [unless context makes it clear that it refers to a lake]
  3. a large wave
    En stor sjö slog sönder styrhyttens fönster
    A large wave broke the windows of the wheelhouse
  4. Synonym of sjögång
    grov sjö
    rough seas
    hög sjö
    high seas
    krabb sjö
    choppy seas
    Sjön går hög
    There are high waves
  5. (obsolete and in some names) a sea
    Synonym: hav
    the Baltic Sea [the East Sea]

Usage notes

  • Often refers to the sea in compounds, for example sjöfart, sjöman, and sjösäker. Also refers to the sea in various expressions.
  • "På sjön" can have connotations closer to "on the water" compared to "till havs (at sea)" and the like, and so sounds more natural for staying close to shore or being in a coastal archipelago or the like.


Declension of sjö 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative sjö sjön sjöar sjöarna
Genitive sjös sjöns sjöars sjöarnas

Derived terms


See also


