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try-off (plural try-offs)

  1. (sports, rugby) A team event.
    • 2016, Tony Johnson, ‎Lynn McConnell, Behind the Silver Fern: Playing Rugby for New Zealand:
      It had nothing to do with their defensive pattern or any strategy it was about backing your instincts, and for Ma'a to finish the try off like that was pretty special.
  2. (sports, athletics) An elimination round between competitors who are tied; especially one that takes a different form than previous steps of the competition.
    • 1910, Aeronautics: The American Magazine of Aerial Locomotion, page 157:
      On the try-off Watkins made 168 ft., the longest flight for the day.
    • 1922, A Review of the International Live Stock Exposition, page 114:
      In the try-off for the grand championship, the Kansas Hereford yearlings were granted the royal purple.
    • 1938, Curtain Call - Volumes 10-11, page 14:
      As an example of the best kind of spirit which can exist among competing teams and the pleasantest kind of atmosphere which can be created in one of these try-offs, we take off our hat to the W.O.D.L. Festival and to its winning team.
    • 1948, “The Rheingold Maidens”, in Sales Management, volume 60, page 8:
      It's logical that 2,000 models every year fight, scratch and claw their way up to the try-off elimination when it comes time to choose the new Miss Rheingold.
    • 1975, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services, Fiscal Year 1976 and July-September 1976 Transition Period Authorization for Military Procurement, Research and Development, and Active Duty, Selected Reserve, and Civilian Personnel Strengths:
      In this case—and again as an advanced development feasibility program—at the present time TI and the Martin Co. are under contract for a competitive tryoff along with Dahlgre as an in-house laboratory.
  3. (foundry work, metallurgy) A test for clearance, bearings, and metal thickness of a mold.
    • 1958, Foundry - Volume 86, Issues 7-12, page 50:
      Using corn flour for a tryoff, set the cores in the drag straight and level.